Friday, August 22, 2008

The Early Morning Hours Before Take Off

As with most law students, despite my best efforts at planning, I am always running down to the wire. Today was no exception. After an early class, I completed the cite source assignment packets for law review associate editors, and then put the final touches on some clerkship application materials. I was running late and left Morgantown at approximately 7:30am in route to New Martinsville, WV, via route 7.

While driving along this very long, windy, and beautiful country road, I was finally able to think about the convention. I knew that Obama was set to determine his running-mate later this evening, and thought that his decision would be between Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Personally, I had been hoping for John Edwards until his recent admissions about his affair. Accordingly, once these hopes were dashed, I really did not know who would be the best candidate for VP. And, I was more concerned with individuals within the party becoming upset if Hillary were not selected. Furthermore, some individuals have stated the conspiracy theory that Edwards stayed in the race after some "rumors" of the sex scandal leaked earlier in the campaign for the democratic nomination just to keep Hillary from winning. Therefore, I thought that it was possible that Obama would extend the nomination to Hillary to appease her supporters. My good friend Luke even prayed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Obama would select Hillary.

Unfortunately for my good friends that have been strong Hillary supporters throughout this election, Obama has selected Joe Biden. I think that either Biden or Hillary would have made a good running-mate for Obama. But, now it is up to Hillary to unite her supporters to vote for Obama in the fall. Despite what any Hillary supporter may say, there is a great difference between Obama and McCain. McCain represents an extension of the Bush regime, while Obama represents the vehicle to help dig us out of the retched trench that Bush and the Republicans have dug for America.


Anonymous said...

Could you tell us please a little about the capital gains tax that obama will rise.... 15% to 30+%

income tax is going to rise..

he said hes going to help middle america..

Sounds like hes going to crush them..

Im glad he choose Biden..

He was the only guy I would have voted for..

But as a small Business man and investor. Obama is not the best pick for me.

Unknown said...

I, personally, would like to know more about this so-called "flying spaghetti monster."

Anonymous said...

The flying Spaghetti Monster is a fabulous Italian alien that is worshipped by the Pastafarians. Duh Josh.

Meghan's Democratic National Convention Blog said...

If is not spending the majority of one's income on health care costs and rising energy costs, then the higher taxes will not matter as much.

And, the "flying spaghetti monster" is a fabulous Italian alien that provides guidances to individuals attesting to the Pastafarian faith. You can join the ranks on facebook. :)