Friday, August 29, 2008

Thoughts on Biden's Acceptance Speech

Joe Biden truly grows on me more and more every day. And, every day, I think that he was the best choice for VP. On Wednesday evening, I was able to get credentials to watch the speeches in the Pepsi Center. After being shuddled around an amusement park in a bus, and then going through massive security (as expected), we arrived just as Bill Clinton was addressing the convention. Unfortunately for us, there is a policy to not permit people to enter or leave the seating areas during speeches, so we had to stand at the edge of the entrance to watch the big screen of Bill Clinton speaking.

Once we found seats, we ended up sitting behind the stage area and watching the screen. Although these were by no means even decent seats, it was just wonderful to be in the Pepsi Center because of all of the energy around us. I really enjoyed John Kerry's speech to the convention, especially his section addressing the policies of Senator McCain and CandidateMcCain. I loved his comment about permitting McCain to debate Obama only after Senator McCain and Candidate McCain had finished debating himself. After the Bush campaign hounded Kerry for being a "flip-flop" for agreeing to the Authorization For Use of Military Force, while voting against the $44 billion, I think that Kerry was definitely the man to stick it to McCain with that c0mment.

The introductions for Biden's speech almost brought me to tears. Hopefully the Hillary supporters will realize that he does have their best interests in mind--as he wrote the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Interestingly enough, the first man prosecuted under the VAWA was taking a woman across state lines from WV to KY. Moreover, his son's speech really portrayed Joe Biden as the family man that he is. I especially enjoyed the points during his speech where the camera was on his mother and you could see her mouth "that's right" or "yes I did," as he described the things she told him when kids bullied him during his school years.

I'm interested to see how Hillary supporters fall in line after the convention. I feel that McCain's selection of Sarah Palin was obviously intended to try to sway Hillary supporters from the Democrats. However, any woman in her right mind that supported Hillary for her advocacy on women's rights will not support McCain-Palin.

McCain is guilty of something the Republicans have slammed democrats such as Bill Clinton and John Edwards for--when his first wife was in an accident and became disabled and gained weight, he started having an affair with his second wife and was living with the second wife before the divorce to his first wife was completed. Moreover, Palin is extremely pro-life and supports the same economic policies of Bush-Cheney. Any Hillary supporter that truly supported her issues could not rationally side with McCain-Palin because their stance differs so greatly from Clinton's.

Furthermore, both Obama and Biden support women's issues. As previously mentioned, Biden authored the VAWA, while Obama is a loving husband and a father to two girls. Even if Obama was not open-minded and committed to equality before the birth of his daughters, I think that the saying has proven true with him: "the easiest way to make a man a feminist is to have him become a father to a daughter."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Division of the Party: The News Reports Are Overrated

Many individuals that have been in contact with myself and the other young democrats that I have been spending time with have asked about the reported party division here in Denver. But, there really hasn't been one. While, there have been a few disgruntled Hillary supporters--one group of 4-6 middle-aged women outside of the convention center today, most folks are doing the right thing. Just like in '04 when Howard Dean supporters, such as myself, backed Kerry, most Hillary supporters are getting in line to support the change that our country needs. This hype about a division is truly just a few random events that news reporters have used to create this big "story."

Favorite Protest of the Week: Stop the Bird Porn

So, with all of the Christian Evangelicals and their religious right protests this week, there was one group protesting a very worthy cause: bird porn. Seriously, for the past two afternoons, these people have been standing on the street corner handing out flyers protesting bird porn. What is bird porn you ask? Apparently, it's senior citizens or other bird watchers who allegedly seek sexual gratification in watching birds mate. While I doubt that these folks are legit (I have heard various stories that they are just protesting a stupid cause to show how stupid the protesting is, while I believe that there is probably some hidden camera situation that will be featured on either the Daily Show or David Letterman), it was definitely a nice laugh.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How You Know When Someone is Doing Well

With the news of the arrest of four men purportedly set to assasinate Barack Obama, I was obviously taken back for a moment or so. However, given the things I've seen over the past few days or heard in the past few months, it just reaffirmed something my father has told me since I was young. When you're doing well and when people know you are successful, people fear you and want to take you down.

On my flight from Pittsburgh to Chicago en route to Denver, I sat by a man whose son worked for the City of Denver police. He informed me that there was a huge amount of security and that they had really been prepping. He also mentioned a group of psychotic people called "Recreate '68."

While at the convention, the Moral Majority has continued to preach their same one-line message--the Democrats are baby killers. And, of course, my fellow young democrats and I were going inside to perform several partial birth abortions (note the sarcasm). This is just a repeat of the Republican's famous line that have SCARED people into voting for them for the past 8 years--baby killing and taking their guns away. Unfortunately for the Republicans, the Supreme Court determined that there was an individual 2nd amendment right to bear arms earlier this summer. So, I guess the alleged baby killer argument is the only thing in their arsenal.

However much I may joke about this one-liner, it is still disturbing. I do not believe in partial-birth abortions or abortion on demand. However, I do believe in taking care of those that are already living and those who work hard to make a living. Those are things that the Republican party does not stand for and actually stand against. But, for some individuals, believing that they can control the decisions other individuals make about their bodies makes them feel like better Christians or better people. I am a Christian, but I believe that Christians lead through example and through leadership. As the old hymn goes "They Will Know We are Christians By Our Love."

I really hope that Americans are smart enough to wake up can vote to tell the Republican party that their scare tactics will no longer work. Their mind control will no longer work. We can CHANGE this country and truly be proud to be Americans. As Robert Kennedy, Jr., stated in his speech at the Red Rocks Sunday evening, we need to become the country that we once were--one that was truly viewed as the leader of the free world and embraced by foreign nations. Barack Obama has already taken powerful steps to reach this goal by meeting with the leaders of foreign nations, and he has been embraced. I believe that those that are trying to restrain the American people fear this true leadership that America has not seen in a long time. I just pray that Americans wake up and remove these restraints and push forward with Obama/Biden for a better America.

But, I think the unfortunate negative attention regarding assasinations and protests only indicate one thing--the Republican party fears that the Democrats are getting the truth through to the American people and that they will harm their regime.

The Democratic Party's Message

Earlier this year I read a book by Andy Stern, President of the SEIU, the fastest growing union in America. Stern made a very valid point that had been the shortcoming of the Democratic Party in the past two years--there was no clear message. Although many individuals have criticized Obama for having no concrete plans, I think that his roadmap for CHANGE represents the ideals of the Democratic party. These elements of change have been represented throughout the convention. For example, when I first arrived in downtown Denver, I walked around an outdoor tent area with various GREEN ideas. Next, last night at a free concert featuring Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews, and Sugarland, these same GREEN ideas were emphasized. Obama has a plan of making the average American fit into this GREEN plan, rather than pushing the expensive earth-friendly options that have only been available to those with larger budgets in previous years.

Furthermore, despite the taxing situation that one individual commented on for my first post, one has to remember that when other government services are more efficient, taxing can be advantageous to the middle class. For example, rather than giving the tax breaks/research and development dollars to large oil corporations (e.g. the McCain/Exxon ticket), these tax breaks can be used for programs for the middle class, such as energy incentives, child care, and the like. Trust me, as a person who has grown up in the lower to middle class all of her life, I have been advocating a sliding scale program that encourages individuals to work hard, but recognizes that sometimes various events in our life, such as a sickness in the family, job loss, temporary lay-off, and the like, makes it nearly impossible to make ends meet. I believe that Obama/Biden will push the middle class agenda for the American people.

The life histories of both Obama and Biden illustrate this point. For example, Biden is from PA originally and grew up with modest means. Furthermore, even though he has been a DE Senator for approximately thirty-five years, he is both an insider and an outsider in Washington. He does not maintain a Washington residence. Rather, he returns to his personal residence in the evening. Additionally, even though he is a Senator, his income is approximately $150,000 a year. Although $150,000 per year is still a nice sum of money, it is very modest for a United States Senator. And, of course, as emphasized by Biden--he knows how many homes he has--he doesn't have to ask a staff member. While Obama has made a great deal of money from his book sales, he realizes how difficult it is to be a bright mind struggling to make it through college and grad school. Additionally, as he was raised by a single-mother for a great deal of his life, I think he also recognizes the struggle that single-moms and middle class families go through.

In addition to these life experiences and bright ideas, one has to keep one thing in mind. Intelligent visionaries surround themselves with individuals that possess the characteristics and talents that the visionary may lack. I believe that Bill Clinton did this with his Cabinet, while Bush simply placed individuals in his Cabinet that would agree with him on every issue.

I believe that Obama's vision for Change that provides a general roadmap to lead to the end goal, while maintaining flexibility is the best route to relief for the middle class.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Early Morning Hours Before Take Off

As with most law students, despite my best efforts at planning, I am always running down to the wire. Today was no exception. After an early class, I completed the cite source assignment packets for law review associate editors, and then put the final touches on some clerkship application materials. I was running late and left Morgantown at approximately 7:30am in route to New Martinsville, WV, via route 7.

While driving along this very long, windy, and beautiful country road, I was finally able to think about the convention. I knew that Obama was set to determine his running-mate later this evening, and thought that his decision would be between Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Personally, I had been hoping for John Edwards until his recent admissions about his affair. Accordingly, once these hopes were dashed, I really did not know who would be the best candidate for VP. And, I was more concerned with individuals within the party becoming upset if Hillary were not selected. Furthermore, some individuals have stated the conspiracy theory that Edwards stayed in the race after some "rumors" of the sex scandal leaked earlier in the campaign for the democratic nomination just to keep Hillary from winning. Therefore, I thought that it was possible that Obama would extend the nomination to Hillary to appease her supporters. My good friend Luke even prayed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Obama would select Hillary.

Unfortunately for my good friends that have been strong Hillary supporters throughout this election, Obama has selected Joe Biden. I think that either Biden or Hillary would have made a good running-mate for Obama. But, now it is up to Hillary to unite her supporters to vote for Obama in the fall. Despite what any Hillary supporter may say, there is a great difference between Obama and McCain. McCain represents an extension of the Bush regime, while Obama represents the vehicle to help dig us out of the retched trench that Bush and the Republicans have dug for America.