Thursday, August 28, 2008

Division of the Party: The News Reports Are Overrated

Many individuals that have been in contact with myself and the other young democrats that I have been spending time with have asked about the reported party division here in Denver. But, there really hasn't been one. While, there have been a few disgruntled Hillary supporters--one group of 4-6 middle-aged women outside of the convention center today, most folks are doing the right thing. Just like in '04 when Howard Dean supporters, such as myself, backed Kerry, most Hillary supporters are getting in line to support the change that our country needs. This hype about a division is truly just a few random events that news reporters have used to create this big "story."

1 comment:

Il Dialetto Calabrese said...

Hi Meghan,

I'm a WVU student and writer for the Daily Athenaeum Newspaper. I would love to interview you for an article i'm writing about blogging. I understand you're in Denver at the moment but perhaps we can work something out via internet or phone. My deadline is 3 PM Monday but I would love to hear your thoughts on the act of blogging, the convention, etc.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon,

Danielle Clements